Saturday, 30 April 2011


Unexpected changes in life recently....I was let go from my job at the florist's this past week. I didn't see it coming at all. So, just like that, I have a lot of free time on my hands. I have been looking for a new job but being 4 months pregnant poses some limitations. I will have some hours working on a local organic farm which should be a really awesome learning experience. But what about the rest of my time?
So, then I get to thinking: is this God's way of urging me to really develop my pottery and just go for it? I've been feeling like I should just go for it but the security of a weekly paycheck is a hard thing to refuse. With that removed from my life, my options are a bit more limited. I was accepted into Portsmouth Open Market which is a weekly outdoor craft fair held at Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth, NH. I signed up for 4 days so I have a lot of work to make for that. Also, I applied to the Concord Arts Market which is a similar event only in Concord, NH. I have not heard back yet from them.
So, what's a girl to do? Once Baby Therrien is born in October I will be staying home this my time to beging preparing for making money from home? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Stay tuned for new work and some photots coming soon!


  1. As you learned - the only job security that exists is your ability to "leave the cave, kill something and drag it home". Sounds a little gruesome, but in reality we are all reliant on only ourselves to produce income, whether it appears in a corporate or self-employed setting. I say go towards what you love to do. In making that commitment, you will create the opportunities. Stay focused and yet open. God will lead you. :) Many blessings to your family Kari! xoxo Allison

  2. I think the universe IS sending you a message, listen with your heart and you will know what to do! Congrats on the upcoming family member! Deb

  3. You can be home with baby T and haul your baby to the Markets and shows, with Mr. T's help of course.I would do the markets. I would also suggest smaller items like dip bowls, vases , mugs, mixing bowls. Really functional stuff.I loved the green bowl and I love the Earthy Brown. I think others will too! Oh yeah and don't forget tumblers!!Think of it !!! I know you have prayed about it and you will make the right decision based on your faith that The Lord will Guide you the right way. You may have to do something on the side to supplement here and there. I know what you are feeling with the whole job thing. The people like you and me are not kept in a box and we are not mainstream. We ask a lot of questions because we want to know and we want to do the best job we can. Conventional jobs are hard for us. That is how God made us.However there are sometimes that we have to do those things to supplement , or pay off debt, pay the bills, etc. I know just what you mean my kindred spirit. I hope you are feeling well. Lots of love to you.
