Wednesday, 31 March 2010

New Studio!

This week has been an exciting and slightly terrifying one. Last Saturday I gave my notice at my full-time job. I am going to make pottery full time and sell it. I've been wanting to do this since college but did not feel ready. It seemed like such a scary jump to take. Lately, things at work have not been awesome and I just always was wanting to be in the studio. This is a change because for a while, I had a hard time going to the studio and making pots. The more I thought and prayed the more it was confirmed that the time is now!

So, the first problem is where do I make my work. Joey and I rearranged our small one bedroom apartment to allow me some space. So, in the living room, behind the futon there is a 10' x 6' space that is all mine! We went to Lowe's and bought some shelving and some boards to use as wareboards. Joey even let me use our kitchen table as my work table. Did I mention I am married to the most supportive, amazing man ever! I still need to get a pottery wheel- very important! Any leads on that would be super helpful. I might need a bit more shelving but for now, I have enough. It will be so nice to be able to roll out of bed any time of day or night and go make some work. Last night while Joey watched TV (right in front of me) I made some handbuilt butter dishes. They need some refinement, but overall, I think they came out fun.
The next issue to tackle is selling my work. First, I have to make a whole bunch with a good variety of form. I have a fair coming up in mid May and I also want to jury for the league of NH Craftsmen too. I am hoping to sell my work online wwww., in some shops and at some craft fairs. Any suggestions of selling venues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all those who have supported me as I have nurtured my creative giftings. Without all of you, its just not possible!

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